
PT. BIA Together Telkomsel Commit Papua to Internet Connection


PT. BIA Together Telkomsel Commit Papua to Internet Connection

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Merauke, TN – Since 2012, PT. Bio Inti Agrindo (BIA) started its business in Papua, precisely in the Merauke region. At that time, in his working area there was not a single network that could be used to communicate, either by telephone or the internet. In line with the development of its business, PT. BIA is committed to developing the surrounding area.

Then, in early 2014-2016, PT. BIA cooperates with Telkomsel to realize telecommunications access around the working area of ​​PT. BIA The collaboration between the two companies is commonly called B2B or Business to Business.

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“From the results of this collaboration, we succeeded in realizing two towers with 2G network capacity around the Estate A area of ​​PT. BIA At that time, the telecommunications services that could be enjoyed were still in the form of telephone services and short message services (SMS), as well as EDGE data even though it was not maximized at the time, “explained the Assistant Office Representative Manager of PT. BIA, Erwin in its release, Sunday (7/6).

Erwin continued, over time, PT. BIA continues its work program. Then, in the period 2018-2020, the company is trying to bring quality 4G service in the hand even in remote areas.

“This is still working with Telkomsel. Last March 2020, 4G services were successful on air and were enjoyed by people in the area around Merauke and Tanah Merah (Portal).

In addition, continued Erwin, in May 2020, there were three towers with 4G services that could be enjoyed by the entire community around Merauke in Muting Village. With the presence of Telkomsel’s 4G network, the public can now enjoy more broadband-based services.

“We believe in the presence of communication technology, distance and time are no longer obstacles. Because it is connected with the outside world is Papua’s main capital to be able to progress and develop. This is in line with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, beyond to POSCO Corporate Citizenship, “he said.

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